
This chapter discusses that the matrix logic algebra serves as a unifying link between fundamental physics and logic. One of the key reasons for such an assumption is that both quantum physics and matrix logic are built around a similar mathematical construct. In quantum physics, the wave functions do not represent an observable quantity; only the square of modulo of a wave function has physical meaning ||Ψ||2 = <Ψ* | Ψ>, where Ψ* is the conjugate transpose of Ψ. Similarly, in matrix logic, the logic vectors also represent logically unobservable quantities, yielding observable values through the application of the bilinear valuation device. To measure a physically observable quantity or to infer a logically observable quantity, corresponding operator between the two adjoint bra and ket vectors is introduced. In quantum physics an act of measurement, projects a pure state out of the mixed state of a quantum system, whereas the bilinear logic closure also extracts a sharp scalar truth-value from a logic system.

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