
Publisher Summary This chapter explains cardiac investigations. The size of the heart is best estimated by measuring the cardiothoracic diameter, that is, the ratio of the transverse diameter of the heart to the greatest internal diameter of the chest. Echocardiography is the study of the heart by ultrasound; the aim of an echocardiography study is to determine the anatomy of the heart, including identifying all chambers and valves and their connections, assessing the function of each component, detecting abnormal features such as septal defects, to look at the normal flow through valves, and to detect abnormal flow, such as valvar regurgitation or left-to-right shunts. Magnetic resonance imaging technique depends on the fact that strong magnetic fields affect protons in any substance, causing them to align themselves along the lines of magnetic force. An examination of sections of myocardium by light and electron microscopy can be supplemented by staining for specific substances, such as glycogen, and for a range of enzymes.

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