
Putting a business continuity and disaster recovery plan together requires pulling together the data previously developed and adding a bit more detail. Understanding the phases of the business continuity (BC)/disaster recovery (DR) plan helps in developing strategies for managing activities. The typical phases are activation, disaster recovery, business continuity, and resumption of normal activities. The plan must also be tested and maintained, regardless of whether it is ever implemented. Developing BC/DR teams is a vital part of your planning. There are numerous roles and responsibilities in each phase of your BC/DR work and defining these and populating the teams in advance is crucial for the success if the plan is ever activated. In addition, these teams will need to be trained in implementing the BC/DR activities. After creating teams, one can further develop the planning tasks and assign resources, timelines, and budgets. Event logs can help in managing the business disruption from start to finish. Keeping track of document revisions is a bit of a “housekeeping” task but an important one when it comes to your BC/DR plan.

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