
Both probability theory and statistics are sciences that deal with uncertainty. Their subject is the description of stochastic systems, i.e., systems that are not fully predictable but include random processes that add a degree of chance—and therefore uncertainty—in their outcome. Stochastic systems are ubiquitous in nature; hence, probability and statistics are important not only in science but also to understand all facets of life. Both probability theory and statistics deal with the characteristics of a stochastic system and its outcomes, but these two fields represent different perspectives on stochastic systems. Probability theory specifies parameters and a model and then examines a variable outcome, whereas statistics takes the data, assumes a model, and then tries to infer the system properties, given the model. Parameters are key descriptors of the stochastic system. In statistics, there are two main views about how one should learn about the parameter values in a stochastic system: classical (also called conventional or frequentist) and Bayesian statistics. Both classical and Bayesian statistics view data as the observed realizations of stochastic systems that contain one or several random processes. However, in classical statistics, the quantities used to describe these random processes (parameters) are fixed and unknown constants, whereas in Bayesian statistics, parameters are themselves viewed as unobserved realizations of random processes. In Bayesian statistics, uncertainty is evaluated using the posterior distribution of a parameter, which is the conditional probability distribution of all unknown quantities, given the data, and the model.

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