
This chapter covers an investigation of thermal insulation for HTS cable systems. Heat leaks into LN2 vessel are measured using boil-off calorimetry and performances of MLI related to the number of layers, patterns, and layer density are studied. It is well known that the capability of HTS cable system in electric power transmission is increased as the temperature of the cable conductor is decreased. LN2 is used to cool down the cable conductor. Vacuum and MLI (Multi-Layer Insulation) is employed to minimize heat leak and keep low temperature. In all the experiment, surfaces of LN2 and vacuum vessel are cold and warm boundary, respectively. In the case without MLI, it takes about 7 hours until LN2 vessel becomes empty. The evaporating times for the cases with MLI are twice or more than without MLI. The flow rates are stabilized after 1–5 hours after filling LN2 vessel. In the case without MLI, difference in temperatures between Ptl and Pt3 exists.

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