
Climate change and land use modifications have major impacts on the environmental components and, most often, the impacts are negative. The ecosystems and natural areas are affected by climate change in terms of the retreat of glaciers and ice masses, quantity and quality of freshwater resources, decline in groundwater table, risks due to higher temperature and heavy rainfall, imbalances in the species, and reduction of biodiversity. The land use effect on the natural systems is mainly related to pollution of soil, water, and air. Secondary negative effects coming from the land use are due to deforestation, which leads to in some regions flooding, debris flow, and landslides. Climate change has also negative effects on artificial systems and human life by microclimate warming in large metropoles, flooding and slope stability risks in the cities, various diseases, and flooding of cities located in coastal areas due to sea level rise. Artificial systems are negatively affected by land use modifications in terms of overcrowding of buildings and direct pollution of resources in the urban areas. Research, strategies, and mitigations plans have been conducted up to the present for the attenuation of the impacts of climate and land use change on the natural and artificial systems. These studies have major advantages and help to conserve the quality of environment and resources, but some of the studies may have also disadvantages. Overall, the knowledge and acceptance of risks induced by climate change and land use modifications contribute to setting up future management plans for these threats to natural and artificial systems.

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