
Random number generation is a key component of many forms of simulation, and fast parallel generation is particularly important for the naturally parallel Monte Carlo simulations that are used extensively in computational finance and many areas of computational science and engineering. This chapter discusses the parallelization of three very popular random number generators. In each case, the random number sequence that is generated is identical to that produced on a CPU by the standard sequential algorithm. The key to the parallelization is that each CUDA thread block generates a particular block of numbers within the original sequence, and to do this step, it needs an efficient skip-ahead algorithm to jump to the start of its block. Although there is much in common in the underlying mathematical formulation of these three generators, there are also very significant differences owing to differences in the size of the state information required by each generator. The Intel random number generators are contained in the vector statistical library (VSL). This library is not multithreaded, but is thread safe and contains all the necessary skip-ahead functions to advance the generators' states. The way in which consideration of the number of registers required, the details of data dependency in advancing the state, and the desire for memory coalescence in storing the output lead to different implementations in the three cases is of most importance.

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