
This chapter discusses the designing of random number sequences to use in simulating real world situations. Many real world situations have a random or chance characteristic. Random number generators are supposed to produce sequences of numbers that have no discernible pattern or relationship. The Turbo BASIC random number generator, RND, is as good as or better than most as it produces sequences of random numbers that are close to having no discernible pattern. However, as the computer must be instructed how to generate such numbers, they must exhibit some pattern, as do all such generators. The sequences of random numbers generated by RND should be uniformly distributed between 0 and 1. It is possible to generate more complicated sequences with RND. The RANDOMIZE TIMER statement produces different sequences of random numbers each time a program is run. More and more mathematical models are being created to study complex real world situations. Decision-making in the face of uncertainty can be assisted by creating models that allow one to change various aspects of the problem to observe possible outcomes. Many of these models include a chance element that is simulated using a random number generator. However, such models must be carefully constructed and checked against real world experience. The best of these models are very complex.

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