
Although healthcare is the most promising field in the future for Kuwait, the country relies heavily on external resources for medical and healthcare technology. Kuwait's health sector lacks health knowledge and technical know-how. The investment in healthcare research is meager in Kuwait. One of Kuwait's future goals can be met by performing health research, arguably one of the most effective arenas for research. Advanced health research will aid in the establishment of a knowledge-based health industry in any country. Kuwait needs promising national research and development (R&D) efforts for promoting and managing sustainable development. Improvement in the health research area in Kuwait can significantly contribute toward improving overall public health, health promotion, disease prevention, and treatment. In Kuwait, applying current knowledge and skills through research has proved to be the most effective way of advancing healthcare as well as getting extensively involved in translational medical research. In order to build an international medical hub, Kuwait needs to develop innovative medical treatment technology and a national health research complex. This study highlights the challenges that face the healthcare and medical technology in Kuwait.

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