
For those of a certain disposition, and probably age, the familiar refrain derived from the U.K. television series, Monty Python series, “And now for something totally different” will have certain connotations and meanings. In this comedy series the line was often used to introduce another sketch that was apparently a non-sequitor to that which had preceded it, but nonetheless, paradoxically, often by the end of the show the new sketch had formed part of a whole wherein various links could be observed. This chapter seeks to introduce three remaining contributions to the book, these being the work of Johan Edelheim, Freya Higgins-Desbiolles and Jenny Cave. From one perspective these appear to be three unrelated chapters; and indeed might have been located in one of the previous sections of the book. First, Edelheim offers an analysis of perception of place to argue that images of Australia are dominated by the four “Rs” — namely the Roo, the Roof, the Reef and the Rock. Again, issues of “authenticity” are discussed. Are these authentic images of Australia and would Australians recognize them as being such, and wherein does the “Outback” and the Australian Aboriginal presence lie? The reality of much Australian life is one of surburbia, so how important are these images not only to tourists, but to Australians; and if the images are saying something of importance, what then of the silence about Aboriginal Australia?

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