
This chapter deals primarily with non-receptor tyrosine kinases (NRTK) and places them in the context of T-cell activation. After listing the members of the NRTK, it shows the composition of MHCII and TCR and how the two interact. It describes the role of tyrosine kinases (LCK, ZAP70) and LAT in the process of signaling complex formation. From here two pathways emerge, one leading to the activation of NFAT1 and involving phospholipase-Cγ (PLCG1), IP3, Ca2+, and calcineurin (PPP3CA), and the other involving protein kinase Cθ (PRKCQ), activation of CARD11, and the subsequent CARD domain-mediated filamentous assembly of a signaling complex composed of BCL10 (adaptor), MALT1 (protease), and TRAF6 (E3-ubiquitin ligases). The chapter then elaborates how INFα brings about a change in gene transcription through receptor-mediated activation of the non-receptor tyrosine kinases TYK2 and JAK1, leading to phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of STAT transcription factors. The chapter ends with an excursion on the activation process of SRC.

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