
This chapter discusses the role of cutinase and cell wall degrading enzymes produced by Fusaria in pathogenesis. Cutinase has been shown to be essential for infection of pea stem by F.solani. It was found that specific inhibition of cutinase among them by antiserum prevented fungal infection of plants, when intact cuticle was present. Similarly, diisopropyl fluorophosphate, inhibitor of cutinase, prevented infection of pea from F.solani without decease of viability spors vitality. The amount of cutinase excreted by spores of F.solani f. sp. pisi isolates during the early phase of germination correlated with infection efficiency on pea stems with intact cuticular barrier. The low virulence of an isolate on stems possessing intact cuticles increased after cutinase and cell wall degrading enzymes had been added. The avirulent isolate on pea stem with intact cuticle was highly virulent when cuticle had been broken. These findings proved that enzymatic degradation of cuticle was involved in penetration of F.solani into the host. Consequently cutinase could determine the infection efficiency.

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