
The business intelligence (BI) application's visual layout and how it interacts with its users will influence how it is received and used. An effective design will allow business people using the application to find what they need quickly and maximize the value of the application. The design process should begin with the creation of user interface (UI) standards so people using them can focus on what they need to accomplish, not figuring out how the application works. Consider privacy, security, and access up front, and establish standards for each. Using the BI content specifications and UI standards, the BI designers should design the visual layout and workflow of each BI application, coming up with either a written specification or working prototype. The methods available to them include sketches, wireframes, storyboards, and mock-ups. The BI team should build the BI application incrementally and iteratively by using prototyping, always obtaining feedback from users. The application development tasks include creating data content, creating data charts or visualizations for analysis, and creating the overall BI application. The final step is unit, BI applications, and BI systems testing.

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