
Air pollutants have constantly been paid special consideration as these pollutants are harmful and cause a higher risk to life. The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that 270,000 children die every year due to environmental pollution, lack of clean water, and air pollution. Air pollution is now exacerbating at varying rates around the world, especially in low-tech manufacturing countries. Moreover, based on WHO data, 9 out of 10 people live in places where air quality exceeds WHO guideline limits. Consequently, it is important to gain enough information on the air pollution sources and set up innovative technologies for air remediation. Air pollution results from the changes in the natural atmospheric composition resulting from the addition of biological, physical, or chemical substances released from biogenic, geogenic, or anthropogenic sources. Outdoor and indoor air pollutants might exist in particulate or gaseous form. Numerous air pollution control and treatment techniques have been developed to eliminate and monitor the discharge and eradicate the risks of air contaminants on the environment and humans. Nanotechnology is considered an advanced treatment technology to control and treat air contamination in different methods by using nanomaterial-specific properties and using these materials as nanocatalysts, nanoadsorbents, sensors, and membranes/nanofilters.

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