
The Mexico City (MC) area lacks an integrated volcanic hazard assessment. Here, we discuss the volcanic setting of MC and previous studies to quantify volcanic hazard in the MC area. In identifying possible sources for future volcanic ash falls in MC, we consider the eruptive activity of 13 central volcanoes and two monogenetic volcanic fields. The prevalent wind regimes in the region are accounted for using a multisource probabilistic approach. This assessment shows the probability of ashfall distribution in MC that may affect critical infrastructure (i.e., hospitals, airport). We also discuss false alarm reports (based on events like heating and deformation of the ground, earthquake swarms, and anthropogenic lava flows) related to the possible appearance of a volcano in southern MC. Because MC is a place where more than 20million inhabitants are exposed to volcanic hazards, it is mandatory to pursue more stratigraphic studies in MC in order to improve probabilistic evaluations of vent-opening location and occurrence. Local authorities should implement a large education program to prepare the population against eruption contingencies.

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