
This chapter focuses on the prediction and classification of risk associated with criminal behavior. The prediction of criminal behavior is one of the most central activities of the criminal justice system. It is at the root of community safety, prevention, treatment, ethics, and justice. It helps in predicting who will reoffend guides, police officers, judges, prison officials, and parole boards in their decision making. To predict an individual's future criminal behavior weigh heavily upon the use of dispositions, such as imprisonment and parole. In prison, probation, and parole systems, one of the major purposes of offender risk assessment is the classification of offenders into similar subgroups in order to assign them to certain interventions. The most common type of classification is based upon risk level, which is categorized into more three groupings: low-, medium-, and high-risk groups. Prediction is enhanced through knowledge of theory. The principles of risk, need, and responsivity are reflected in offender assessment. Fourth-generation assessments are integrated with the case management of offenders. The various issues raised by prediction are relevant to the concerns of citizens.

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