
Smart grid initiatives aim at producing a grid that is increasingly dependent on its cyberinfrastructure in order to support the numerous power applications necessary to provide improved grid monitoring and control capabilities. This chapter discusses cyberphysical security of wide-area monitoring, protection and control (WAMP) from a coordinated cyberattack perspective and introduces a game theoretic approach to address the issue. Essentially, this chapter provides:•A comprehensive overview on consensus control in multiagent systems from the network viewpoints. This comes in line of the extensive researches due to its applicability in analyzing and designing coordination behaviors among agents in multiagent framework.•The problem of cyberphysical security (CPS) modeling systems is introduced with emphasis on wide area monitoring, protection and control systems (WAMPCS), wide-area protection (WAP), phasor measurement units.•A quantification of the performance degradation of cyberphysical systems under the effect of stealthy integrity attacks. The CPS is modeled as a stochastic linear time-invariant (LTI) system equipped with a linear filter and feedback controller and Ξ2 failure detector.•Finally, a brief account of challenges in cyberphysical power systems. Then, it addresses the secure industrial control systems along with Game-theoretic methods.

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