
This chapter provides an introduction, anatomy, and life history of Homarus americanus. It is intended to impose a degree of order and overview on this vast literature and to provide a modern perspective on the American lobster. Individual chapters summarize our understanding of particular fields of research from a modern viewpoint, yet with a historical perspective. Bringing together such a variety of topics in one place also serves to highlight the diversity of our interests in Homarus americanus. The anatomy of Homarus americanus is explained in detail. The life history of Homarus americanus can be divided into a series of developmental phases based on morphological, physiological, behavioral, and ecological considerations. Embryonic, larval, postlarval, shelter-restricted juvenile, emergent juvenile, vagile juvenile, adolescent, and adult phases complete the life cycle of Homarus americanus. When considered together, the chapters in this volume provide a level of overview and synthesis that is rarely possible in research reports or reviews of limited aspects of the literature. The mysteries of the biology of any complex organism does not yield easily to a brief consideration, or even to a serious overview chapter. Ultimately, the reader must assemble a personal synthesis of this species based on a realistic understanding of the complexities of the subject.

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