
We have developed a versatile scalable triblock polymer system for anion exchange membrane (AEM) based electrochemical energy conversion devices. This system is uniquely suited to solving both the membrane and ionomer challenges for the commercialization of AEM water electrolysis or fuel cells. Using our advanced fundamental understanding of AEMs based on our work which began in 2010, we can design systems from first principles to match the needs of the device. A triblock ABA polymer is readily fabricated that has both chemical and mechanical stability. The synthesis of these systems is robust, high yield and amenable to high volume production. It utilizes a novel dual chain transfer agent to mediate the chain-transfer ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) of cyclooctene (COE) or the polymerization of isoprene (IP) to give the hydrophobic B block of the polymer. This is followed by the reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer radial polymerization of chloromethylstyrene (CMS). The polyCMS (pCMS) blocks are then quaternized with an amine to give the cationic hydrophilic A block. Before quaternization the B block is hydrogenated to give either semi-crystalline polyethylene (pE) or amorphous polymethylbutylene (pMB) from pCOE and pIP respectively. The obvious achilles heal in this system from a chemical durability standpoint is the linking ether functionality between the hydrophobic and hydrophilic blocks. The material we have synthesized to date have exceptional chemical and mechanical stability. It performs very well in ex-situ testing with KOH solutions and in device testing we have demonstrated >500 h at 50°C in water electrolysis in 5 cm2 cells in 1M carbonate electrolyte at 0.5 A cm-2. We attribute the chemical stability to the fact that we post quaternize the membrane to give methylpipiridinium cations and we assume that this reaction does not fully penetrate down the hydrophilic chain. This leaves a hydrophobic un-quaternized region close to the hydrophobic block that does not allow access to the ether linkage by the hydrated hydroxide anion. Recently a new approach to the telehelic mid block pCOE has been reported that has no ether linkages and allows the hydrophobic outer blocks to be linked by a methylene linker. This gives use an opportunity to directly contrast the chemical stability of two identical triblock co-polymers one with an ether linkage and one with a methylene linkage between blocks. In this presentation we will show the results from ex-situ chemical stability test one at low temperatures and higher hydroxide concentration and one at higher temperature and lower hydroxide concentration. There are many examples in polymer electrolyte chemistry where a simple change leads to unintended consequences. The geometry of the ether linkage versus the methylene linkage will change the way that the polymer chains will organize and entangle in ways that are not currently predictable. To probe the mechanical, chemical and morphological difference between these two polymers we will fully characterize and contrast both polymers physical chemical properties including water uptake, ionic conductivity, DSC, TGA, tensile strength and morphology through SAXS, WAXS and HRTEM. Data for the two polymer membranes will also be contrasted and compared in small laboratory 5 cm2 single cells for both electrolysis in dilute carbonate and H2/O2 fuel cells using conventional catalysts.

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