
The article is devoted to the criminal law characterization of the change by the court of the category of crime to a less serious one. The criminal law norm provided for by Part 6 of Art. 15 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, is subjected to dogmatic analysis based on the provisions of the theory of criminal law and judicial practice. The content of the conditions and grounds for changing the category of crime as a tool for the individualization of criminal liability is revealed. The essence of changing the category of a crime by the court is determined, which consists in the fact that the norm is designed to eliminate the contradiction between the need to apply the criminal legal consequences of a less serious crime to the convicted person due to the fact that the punishment imposed on him, reflecting a significantly lower degree of public danger of the deed, corresponds to the category of a less serious crime, and the impossibility to do this for formal reasons, due to the fact that the maximum penalty for a crime committed by the criminal law categorizes it as more serious. In the context of the impossibility of changing the category of crime in a criminal case of a crime of minor gravity in order to assess the actual circumstances of the deed, indicating a significantly lower degree of its public danger, it is recommended to discuss the application of the criminal law norm on the insignificance of the act (part 2 of article 14 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). When passing a sentence, the court is obliged to consider the possibility of changing the category of crime to a less serious one in the presence of those provided for in Part 6 of Art. 15 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of formal conditions, however, the court has the right to change the category of a crime on the basis of an assessment that the degree of social danger of a crime, taking into account the actual circumstances of its commission, has been significantly reduced. A change in the category of a crime cannot affect the application of criminal law norms that determine the criminality of an act (qualification), as well as regulate the rules for sentencing separately for each crime committed. The practice of a court decision to change the category of a crime when issuing a decision to terminate a criminal case or criminal prosecution on non-rehabilitating grounds does not correspond to the procedural order of application of Part 6 of Art. 15 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

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