
In this paper, the author tried to consider the impact of such innovation results as technology on domestic criminal law and to understand whether the legislator is ready for them. In the current Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the legislator does not once use a single general concept in relation to technical innovations, which allows to characterize its various elements. At the same time, the legislator traditionally uses such private terms as tools, means, equipment, system, etc. When considering this issue, the first thought that comes to mind is that technical innova-tions in the Criminal Code are regarded as instruments or means of committing a crime. In criminal law theory, there are many points of view on the question of distinguishing between "instrument" and "means" of crime. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not clearly understand the concepts under analysis. Technical innovations, such as equipment by domestic lawmakers, are regarded as instruments and means of committing a crime. The above concepts were traditionally used by the legislator to construct the norms of the Russian criminal law. At the same time, due to the active development of innovation activity, new technical innovations are appearing today, which, firstly, did not exist before, and secondly, they have a number of specific features. At the same time, definitions that were not previously used in the Russian criminal law, which allow judging about new possibilities of technology, which only stimulate the discus-sion about the legal status of technology, both in criminal law and in legislation as a whole, are already in place today. Social relations are undergoing certain changes as a result of innovative activities. In this regard, the object of crime is also being transformed. As a result, a new type of property is emerging, namely intellectual property, which is also subject to criminal law protection. It seems that today there is a need to combine the norms in the field of crimes that infringe on innovative activity into a separate group of norms. These social relations have a number of features that make it possible to consider forming them into a separate type of crime object. Separating groups of crimes in the area of innovative activity will be of great importance. In particular, it will make it possible to establish public danger in relation to a group of crimes and to analyse changes in the degree of public danger of crime depending on the type of quali-fying and attracting circumstances.

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