
The paper is the third part of the geographic essay on the area of Boka kotorska (the Bay ofKotor). In the first part, the authors (CrkvenciC, I.; Schaller, A., 2005) describe social and political changes in Boka kotorska and development of ethnic structure of the area until 1918. The subject of the second part of the essay (CrkvenCiC, I.; Schaller. A., 2006) is ethnic structure of Boka kotorska in the period of Austrian rule (1814-1918). Finally, in this, third part,the changes of ethnic structure of Boka kotorska since the fall of Austrian regime onward are analysed. In the focus of the analysis is is the phenomenon of a huge decrease of Croatian population in Boka kotorska. The explanation of ethnic development in the area begins with analysis of data obtained from the last Austrian census in 1910. There are two periods considered in the paper: (1) development of ethnic composition in the period of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1918-1941), and (2) ethnic features of the population of Boka kotorska in the period of federal Yugoslavia (1945-1991). In addition, the analysis of data by Montenegrin census its 2003 is made in the chapter titled «Croats in ethnic structure of Boka kotorska - the dying away of Croatian population in Boka kotorska».


  • Udjele Hrvata i Crnogoraca u ukupnom stanovništvu tih 20 naselja 1910. g. moguće je približno odrediti primjenom već prije objašnjenog postupka «križanja», i to Hrvata udjelom katolika, a Crnogoraca udjelom pravoslavnih u broju stanovnika koji su govorili «hrvatskim ili srpskim jezikom»

  • This development was characterised by significant changes of the ethnic structure of Boka kotorska

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Original Scientific Paper Izvorni znanstveni članak

Promjene etničkog sastava Boke kotorske (1910.-2003.g.) s posebnim osvrtom na veliko smanjenje broja Hrvata. U ovom, trećem radu analiziraju se promjene etničkog sastava Boke nakon razdoblja austrijske uprave, s posebnim osvrtom na drastičan pad broja Hrvata. G. Nakon toga slijedi analitički osvrt na promjene etničkog sastava prostora Boke, koje proizlaze iz podataka popisa stanovništva u vrijeme Kraljevine Jugoslavije The authors (Crkvenčić, I.; Schaller,A., 2005) describe social and political changes in Boka kotorska and development of ethnic structure of the area until 1918. The subject of the second part of the essay (Crkvenčić, I.; Schaller, A., 2006) is ethnic structure of Boka kotorska in the period of Austrian rule (1814-1918). Sastav stanovništva Boke kotorske prema vjeroispovijestima i govornim jezicima 1910. g

Stoliv Tivat
Herceg Novi
Hrvata Crnogoraca Srba
Ukupno stanovnika
Udio narodnosti u ukupnom
Općina Herceg Noviukupno
Strani državljani
Ukupni udio
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