
Annotation. Simulation of ischemia-reperfusion causes the biochemical disorders and changes in the prooxidant-antioxidant system, both in the serum and skeletal muscles of the affected limb. The severity of local and systemic postischemic imbalance decreases in with correction with medicine from the group of nootropics – carabacetam. The aim of the study was determining the degree of metabolic disorders based on the analysis of changes in serum biochemical parameters and muscle homogenate in ischemic-reperfusion disorders caused by the imposition of an arterial tourniquet and under conditions of correction with carbacetam. Materials and methods. A biochemical study of blood serum and muscle homogenate of 60 rats was performed. Ischemia was simulated by applying SWAT rubber tourniquets on the hind limbs of the rats, on the inguinal fold, for 2 hours, and reperfusion was modeled by removing the tourniquet and restoring of blood circulation through 2 hours after its application. Observations of the animals were carried out during for 14 days. 30 rats in the reperfusion period were intraperitoneally administered the carbacetam at a dose of 5 mg per kilogram of body weight 1 time a day for 14 days of the reperfusion period. The Blood serum was separated and the soft tissue samples were taken below the turniquet site for the biochemical studies. Statistical processing of the material was performed using the package of programs “Microsoft Excel”. The largest deviations in serum were observed after 1 day of the reperfusion: an increase in creatinine by 28.16 % (p<0.005), total bilirubin by 20.75 % (p<0,005), ALT by 96.14 % (p<0,005), AST by 147.27 % (p<0.005) and alkaline phosphatase by 70.84 % (p<0.005), as well as an increase in prooxidant activity of CD by 77.27 % (p<0.005), CT 147.47 % (p<0,005) and TBC-AL by 82.52 % (p<0,005) against the background of a decrease in SOD activity by 9.77 % (p<0.005) and an increase in catalase levels by 15.37 % (p<0.005) relative to the value of the control group. The development of ischemia and reperfusion was accompanied by the largest increase in the level of prooxidants (CD – by 27.55 % (p<0.005), CT – by 47.34 % (p<0.05), TBC-AL – by 62.09 %) (p<0.005)) in the homogenate of the skeletal muscles after 2 hours after restoration of the blood supply. Antioxidant activity, on the other hand, decreased by 15.06 % (p<0.005) SOD and by 8.96 % (p<0.005) catalase after 1 day. After 14 days, a gradual increase and return of most of the studied values to the level of the control group. Under the influence of the carbacetam, the biochemical parameters of blood serum most significantly decreased in relative to the value of the groups without correction after 7 days of the experiment. The level of total bilirubin was lower by 29.65 % (p˂0.05), ALT by 14.95 % (p˂0.05), AST by 19.84 % (p˂0.05), alkaline phosphatase by 25.53 % (p˂0.05), and the difference in the content of diene, triene conjugates and TBC-LP was the largest after 1 day – by 17.09 % (p<0.005), 20,41 % (p<0.05) and 11.24 % (p<0.05), respectively. Under the conditions of correction, the indicators of SOD and catalase activity increased, being significantly higher than in the groups of the animals without correction, especially after 7 days of reperfusion – by 29.41 % (p<0.005) and by 15.71 % (p<0.05) in accordance. The content of the diene, triene conjugates and TBC-LP muscle homogenate was statistically significantly lower in the groups with the introduction of the carbacetam than in the groups of the animals without correction. The largest difference between the groups was found after 1 day with a difference of 9.16 % (p<0.05), 7.35 % (p<0.005) and 16.05 % (p<0.05), respectively. Antioxidant activity of SOD and catalase after 1 day was higher by 27.41 % (p<0.005) and by 25.13 % (p<0.005), compared with the group of the animals without introduction of the carbacetam. Thus, simulated ischemia-reperfusion is accompanied by the greatest biochemical disorders in the serum – after 1 day, and in the muscle homogenate – after 2 hours of the reperfusion. After 14 days of the experiment, most indicators still do not return to the level of the control group. The application of the correction helps to reduce the severity of biochemical disorders at the systemic and local levels, especially during periods of their greatest deviations.



  • Антиоксидантна активність навпаки зменшувалася - на 15,06 % (p

  • Як видно з таблиці 2 при моделюванні ішемії та реперфузії із корекцією за умов застосування карбацетаму вміст дієнових, трієнових кон'югант та тіобарбітуровою кислотою (ТБК)-активних продуктів (ТБК-АП) у сироватці крові зменшувався у всіх дослідних періодах порівняно із показниками групи без застосування корекції, а найбільше через 1 добу - на 17,09 % (p

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ЗМІНИ БІОХІМІЧНИХ ПОКАЗНИКІВ СИРОВАТКИ КРОВІ ТА М'ЯЗОВОГО ГОМОГЕНАТУ ЗАДНІХ КІНЦІВОК ЩУРІВ ПРИ ГОСТРІЙ ІШЕМІЇ-РЕПЕРФУЗІЇ ТА ЗА УМОВ КОРЕКЦІЇ КАРБАЦЕТАМОМ. Через 14 діб більшість біохімічних показників сироватки крові зменшувалися та наближувалися до значень, близьких контрольній групі, однак, рівень креатиніну, загального білірубіну, активності АлАТ, АсАТ та лужної фосфатази залишався статистично достовірно вищим від значень групи контролю на 9,65 % (p

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