
Purpose. To determine the effect of modification with powder compositions on the structure and mechanical properties of cast and deformed aluminium alloys. Research methods. Metallographic analysis, stereometric metallography, testing of strength and plastic properties of cast alloys AL4, AL4C of the Al-Si system and deformed alloys 1545 of the Al-Mg-Sc system, 2219 of the Al-Cu-Mn system in their original and modified state. Results. Meltings of AL4, AL4C, 1545, 2219 alloys were carried out in the initial state and with melt treatment with a complex nano-disperse modifier of magnesium silicide Mg2Si and silicon carbide SiC with a particle size of 50...100 nm. The optimal content of Mg2Si+SiC (0.10%) for increasing σ0.2 of aluminium alloys was determined. A 1.6-fold reduction in the grain structure of cast alloys was achieved. The dependence of the particle size and the amount of the modifier on the mechanical properties of the alloys was established. In industrial experiments, the most effective particle size of Mg2Si+SiC was established for increasing σ0.2 of AL4, AL4C alloy from 115 to 260 MPa in the as-cast state. The increase in the strength properties of the modified alloys is 44 % compared to the original state. Scientific novelty. Further development, insight into the influence of melt modification on the parameters of the structure and properties of aluminium alloys was obtained. The use of nanodispersed complex modifier Mg2Si+SiС with a particle size of 50...100 nm is proposed. It has been confirmed that the use of complex nanodisperse modifiers allows you to actively influence the structure and mechanical properties of aluminium alloys. Practical value. It has been experimentally proven that the rational amount of the introduced complex modifier is 0.10% of the mass of the melt. A significant grinding of the grain structure and an increase in the strength properties of cast and deformed aluminium alloys were achieved as a result of the modification.

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