
During the war, changes affected all spheres of life. Ukraine needs conditions where the economy can operate consistently during martial law and lay the foundations for further recovery after the end of the military operations. Such appropriate conditions can be created by professionals, management leaders who will meet the requirements dictated by the present. It is important to pay attention to the changing requirements for a modern manager and to further develop the necessary qualities of future managers during their studies at higher education institutions. The purpose of this research is to analyze the requirements for a modern manager-leader who is able to provide effective performance of managerial duties. The analysis shows that there have been certain changes in employees' views on what a manager should be and how he or she should behave while working during martial law. Differences in the requirements for managers in the studies of management theorists in peace time and now were identified. It was noted that the emphasis is now on personal qualities, helping others, the ability to keep the team, and the desire to change the situation for the better. It is emphasized that some qualities have acquired a new meaning and are interpreted in a new way, according to the requirements of the time. The article analyzes the statements of practicing managers of modern companies who have their own vision of the situation and experience in preserving business and teams during martial law. The survey of employees revealed that almost half of them have changed their requirements for managers and consider stress resistance, responsibility, and flexibility as the most important. In addition, more than half of the respondents believe that their managers have coped with their responsibilities during the war, while a third believe that they have partially coped. Thanks to their professionalism and developed personal qualities, manager-leaders have not only managed to preserve their businesses, but also support and help those in need. Thus, our society is gradually seeing more people who do not value material wealth as the only thing that matters. The training of future managers in higher education institutions should take into consideration the changing requirements for managers and meet the new challenges that Ukrainians face in order to successfully overcome hazards and further rebuild the country.

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