
Literature data confirm the existence of different opinions about the nature of changes in intraocular pressure after cataract extraction. However, assessment of the risk factors significance for complications and prediction their occurrence in the postoperative period are still unresolved issues. Average statistical norm can still entail a persistent increase in IOP after cataract surgery.Purpose: to study the frequency of persistent increase in IOP after cataract surgery with a statistically normal level of IOP depending on the ratio of the preoperative level of IOP with its individual norm.Methods: The clinical study was based on the analysis of 69 phacoemulsifications and posterior chamber intraocular lens implantations with a preoperative IOP level within the average statistical norm (IOP <22 mm Hg). The determination of individual norm of IOP was carried out using flowmetry according to the original method developed at the Research Institution of Eye Diseases. All patients were divided into 3 group. Group 1 — 25 patients with IOP less than individual norm of IOP. Group 2 — 18 patients (21 eyes) with medically compensated IOP (less than individual norm of IOP ). Group 3 — 20 patients (22 eyes) with IOP more than individual norm of IOP.Results. GROUP 1. The initial IOP value before surgery in group 1 averaged 15.7 ± 3.6, after a year a decrease in IOP was recorded in 15 eyes (57.7 %). In 11 eyes (42.3 %) IOP remained unchanged. However, IOP changes in this group were statistically insignificant (p > 0.5). GROUP 2. After a year decrease in IOP was recorded in 11 eyes (52.4 %). In 10 eyes (47.6 %) IOP remained unchanged. GROUP 3 The initial IOP level before surgery was on average 17.9 ± 1.4. One year later, a decrease in IOP was recorded in 6 eyes (40.9 %). In 8 eyes (22.7 %) IOP remained unchanged.Conclusions. When planning cataract surgery the indicator of real compensation is the level of ophthalmotonus, which does not exceed the individual norm. IOP exceeding the individual norm indicates a high probability of a persistent increase in IOP after cataract surgery.


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Снижение ВГД в среднем на 3,5 и 9 пациентов относились к старшей возрастной группе, мм рт. Было зарегистрировано через один год после а именно 75–89 лет. Средний возраст испытуемых соста‐ экстракции катаракты на 15 глазах, не изменилось ВГД вил 73,0 ± 6,5 года. Исследование индивидуальной нормы ВГД про‐ ни одного случая офтальмогипертензии после операции. В 3-й группе средние няли с помощью анализатора полей зрения Humphrey цифры уже изначально превышали уровень ВГД по срав‐. Через один год снижение ВГД и отсутствие изменений клонения (MD) и среднеквадратичного отклонения было зарегистрировано в 63,6 % случаев (на 14 глазах). Исследование стереопараметров ДЗН проводи‐ гистрировано повышение ВГД в 36,4 % случаев (8 глаз), ли при помощи конфокального лазерного сканирую‐ щего офтальмоскопа HRT 3 (Heidelberg Engineering, Германия) и анализировали площадь нейроретиналь‐ ного пояска (rim area, mm2), его объем (rim volume, мм). ЧАСТОТА ВЫЯВЛЕНИЯ НЕДИАГНОСТИРОВАННОЙ ГЛАУКОМЫ НА ГЛАЗАХ С ПРЕВЫШЕНИЕМ ИНДИВИДУАЛЬНОЙ НОРМЫ ВГД

Все пациенты по наличию компенсации ВГД были
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