
Mallory–Denk body (MDB) formation is a component of alcoholic and non alcoholic hepatitis. Proteins of the TLR pathway were shown to be involved in the formation of MDBs, in mice fed DDC. TLR genes are upregulated and SAMe supplementation prevents this up regulation and prevented the formation of MDBs. DNA of livers from control mice, from mice fed DDC 10weeks, refed 1week with DDC and with DDC+SAMe were extracted and used to study the methylation pattern of genes involves in the TLR pathway. A PCR array was used to analyze it. Using PCR arrays for the mouse TLR pathway,24 genes were found whose expression of IL12A was regulated by the methylation of its gene. DDC fed for 10weeks reduced the methylation of the IL12A gene expression. This expression was also reduced when DDC was refed. However, when SAMe was fed, the intermediate level methylation of IL12A was up regulated to the intermediate level and the methylation of the promoter decreased compared to DDC refeeding or DDC 10weeks. IL12A is known to induce the production of IFNg by NK and LT. We showed in a previous publication that IFNg is one of the major cytokines involved in the induction of MDB formation. The low expression of IL12A associated with the intermediate methylation of its promoter could explain one step in the mechanism which leads to the formation of MDBs.

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