The changes in the energy charge (ATP+0.5ADP)/ (ATP+ADP+AMP) levels of the remnant liver were studied in relation to changes in the incorporation rate of methyl- 3H-thymidine into DNA, the blood ratio of acetoacetate/β-hydroxybutyrate and indocyanine green (ICG) clearance in 70% hepatectomized rabbits. The energy charge levels of the remnant liver decreased rapidly to 0.767 from 0.856 of normal, despite a marked enhancement of mitochondrial phosphorylative activity, concomitant with the fall in blood ketone body ratio, before a maximal increase of DNA synthesis after hepatectomy. Blood ketone body ratio was correlated with hepatic energy charge (r=0.696, p<0.01). After a maximal increase of DNA synthesis, hepatic energy charge levels and the blood keton body ratios increased gradually to normal levels, concomitant with a rise in ICG clearance. Energy charge levels of the remnant liver can be evaluated by the blood ketone body ratio.
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