
Rainforest conversion into monoculture plantations results in species loss and community shifts across animal taxa. The effect of such conversion on the role of ecophysiological properties influencing communities, and conversion effects on phylogenetic diversity and community assembly mechanisms, however, are rarely studied in the same context. Here, we compare salticid spider (Araneae: Salticidae) communities between canopies of lowland rainforest, rubber agroforest (“jungle rubber”) and monoculture plantations of rubber or oil palm, sampled in a replicated plot design in Jambi Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. Overall, we collected 912 salticid spider individuals and sorted them to 70 morphospecies from 21 genera. Salticid richness was highest in jungle rubber, followed by rainforest, oil palm and rubber, but abundance of salticids did not differ between land-use systems. Community composition was similar in jungle rubber and rainforest but different from oil palm and rubber, which in turn were different from each other. The four investigated land-use systems differed in aboveground plant biomass, canopy openness and land use intensity, which explained 12% of the observed variation in canopy salticid communities. Phylogenetic diversity based on ~850 bp 28S rDNA fragments showed similar patterns as richness, that is, highest in jungle rubber, intermediate in rainforest, and lowest in the two monoculture plantations. Additionally, we found evidence for phylogenetic clustering of salticids in oil palm, suggesting that habitat filtering is an important factor shaping salticid spider communities in monoculture plantations. Overall, our study offers a comprehensive insight into the mechanisms shaping communities of arthropod top predators in canopies of tropical forest ecosystems and plantations, combining community ecology, environmental variables and phylogenetics across a land-use gradient in tropical Asia.

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