
The bulk properties and bitumen molecular compositions of a rank-series of 38humic coals from the New Zealand Coal Band (Cretaceous–Cenozoic) have been analysed to investigate early maturation processes affecting coaly organic matter through diagenesis to moderate catagenesis (Rank(Sr) 0.0–11.8, Ro 0.23–0.81%). The samples comprise a relatively restricted range of vitrinite rich coal types formed largely from higher land plant material under relatively oxic conditions, but with a significant contribution from microbial biomass. With increasing rank, total organic carbon contents show a general increase, whereas moisture and asphaltene contents decrease. Bitumen yields also decrease through the stages of diagenesis and early catagenesis (Rank(Sr)<9, Ro<0.55%), indicating partial loss of initial bitumen during early maturation. Thermal generation of hydrocarbons begins slowly at Rank(Sr)∼5–6 (Ro∼0.40%) as indicated by the constant occurrence and gradual increase of isoprenoids (e.g., pristane and phytane) and hopanoids in their more mature αβ configuration. This early phase of catagenesis, not previously recognised in New Zealand coals, is followed at Rank(Sr)∼9 (Ro∼0.55%) by the main catagenesis phase characterised by a more rapid increase in the generation of hydrocarbons, including total n-alkanes, isoprenoids and αβ-hopanes. Changes in the maturity of New Zealand coals can be traced by the Carbon Preference Index and several hopane maturity parameters, including 22S/(22S+22R), αβ/(αβ+βα) and ββ/(αβ+βα+ββ).

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