
The aim of this study is to reconstruct the impact of past environmental changes in the Moroccan Rif mountainous ecosystems. We collected an 8.5 m sedimentary core in the western part of the Rif and analyzed its palynological content, micro-remains of fossil charcoal, particle size, and content of several chemical elements. The chronology of the record is based on ten 14C datings that indicate a continuous time span of 9,000 years. This multidisciplinary approach allowed us to reconstruct both the environmental evolution of the catchment area and the vegetation dynamics in the surrounding landscape. Besides the fossil record, we collected a series of surface samples along a transect running from Talassemtane National Park, where fir populations are currently protected, to the study site in order to determine the dispersal capacity of different plant taxa. Based on the modern observations, the fossil pollen data show that despite its closer range today to the study site than Cedrus atlantica (closest populations at ca. 20 km), Abies maroccana (populations at ca. 10 km) did not reach the studied site during the Holocene. At the same time, Cedrus atlantica was present and even dominated the landscape between 8,000 and 6,000 BP. After 6,000 BP, other species more tolerant to annual drought, such as evergreen oaks, expanded gradually. The early Holocene period was wet enough to promote a maximum expansion of cedar forest. The Atlas cedar disappears from the fossil record after 2,000 BP due to an increased human pressure. Particle size analysis and chemical elements are particularly relevant for reconstructing the landscape changes and for depicting the human impact. Their changes after 2,000 BP are well correlated with the forest cover decline.

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