
Today, 50 percent of agricultural land in the world is moderately and severely degraded, and 12 million hectares of land are lost from agricultural use every year. Because of this, the land, which is the means of livelihood and livelihood of millions of people, is under threat. Nearly 800 million people suffer from chronic malnutrition, which in turn is directly related to land degradation, reduced soil fertility, unsustainable water use, drought, and severe biodiversity loss. According to scientific predictions, over the next 25 years, as a result of the acceleration of soil degradation processes, global food production will decrease by 12%, which will lead to an increase in food prices by 30%. This article describes the agrophysical properties of the soils of the lower reaches of Amu Darya, increasing soil fertility, effective use of land resources and development of advanced agrotechnical measures, scientifically based results of soil fertility.

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