
Historically, the use of medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (mUKA) as treatment for end-stage anteromedial osteoarthritis (AMOA) of the knee was limited by contraindications due to age, weight, and activity level; however, now evidence-based, validated, and less selective criteria are used rendering nearly 50% of end-stage OA patients eligible for mUKA. Recent studies have showcased benefits, such as shorter hospital stays, cost efficiency, and comparable functional outcomes to total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Notably, revision rates have been shown to markedly decrease with increased usage, with an ideal usage of > 30% but an acceptable usage of 20-60%. The usage of unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) varies among countries, with Denmark achieving anotably higher usage compared to Sweden, the UK, the Netherlands, the USA and Germany. This article investigates potential factors contributing to Denmark having ahigher national usage of mUKA, surpassing the recommended threshold of ausage > 20%. We explore the tradition for national alliances and streamlined surgical education as possible explanations of this development. These insights offer valuable perspectives for potentially optimizing surgical approaches and implant choices in the surgical treatment of end-stage AMOA of the knee across diverse healthcare settings, underscoring the impact of collective strategies in advancing knee arthroplasty practices, ultimately benefiting patients.

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