
A personal cyclone sampler (cyclone) was operated in a 0.9-m3 chamber, side by side with a 25-mm filter sampler (filter) and either a slit impactor (Air-O-Cell) or a single-stage, multiple-hole, agar impactor (N6). Aerosols of two fungal spores were collected for 5 min to 5 hr—Aspergillus versicolor: 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, and 320 min; concentration: 102–105 spore m−3; Scopulariopsis brevicaulis: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30-min; concentration: 103–105 spore m−3 (six replicates for each sampling time). For each fungus, air concentrations were determined by a 15-channel optical particle counter (particle m−3; N = 36), microscopy (spore m−3; cyclone and filter, N = 36; Air-O-Cell, N = 18), culture (colony forming unit m−3; cyclone and filter, N = 36; N6, N = 18), and polymerase chain reaction (cell equivalent m−3; cyclone and filter, N = 36). Samplers were significantly correlated with each other as were the three analyses (correlation coefficients = 0.79–1.00 and 0.87–0.98, respectively). Ratios were calculated for simultaneous measurements with the cyclone and comparison samplers and for paired colony:spore, colony:cell equivalent, and cell equivalent:spore measurements for the cyclone and filter samples. The cyclone equaled or underestimated the other samplers for both fungi and all analyses (mean ratio: 0.75–1.04). A. versicolor colony and cell equivalent measurements exceeded spore measurements although microscopy should detect all spores not just culturable ones, perhaps due to difficulty observing the smaller spores or detection of DNA in cell fragments in addition to intact spores. Plots of the ratios of paired measurements against their averages identified biases between samplers and analyses. For example, ratios were correlated with spore concentration, and there was greater uncertainty at lower concentrations. These chamber tests have shown that the cyclone is suitable for collection of airborne fungal spores over a wide concentration range and time period and for analysis by microscopy, culture, and polymerase chain reaction.

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