
Utilization of traditional art media as a media for promoting adolescent reproductive health. Traditional art played by teenagers can contain informative messages about the reproductive health of teenagers so that it is no longer taboo to talk about. It is hoped that teenagers get a good understanding and become quality healthy teenagers. This study aims to identify the challenges in making traditional art media as a media to promote adolescent reproductive health from the perspective of accompanying facilitators. Research is a qualitative research with an exploratory approach. Research location in Tegallalang Village, Gianyar Regency, Bali. Research informants are reproductive health facilitators and art facilitators as many as 9 people. Data collection through focus discussion group or FGD. Data analysis was done thematically. The results of this qualitative research Art facilitators and reproductive health facilitators present the difficulties encountered when accompanying STT peers to develop traditional dramaturgy arts. This is useful for input and improvement in activities. Obtained three themes, namely: 1) obstacles and challenges, 2) the benefits of activities, 3) about staging. Challenges and barriers experienced, namely the personal barriers experienced by drama actors are shyness to talk, lack of understanding of the project, consistency of training and coordination of time. Obstacles in general include time and coordination issues. While the challenge that motivates facilitators to assist STT peers in developing traditional arts is the challenge in uniting various teenage characters, a sense of responsibility, family and trust, as well as a sense of togetherness that develops. The benefits of activities for facilitators can blend with the community, learn to organize in the village and gain experience assisting STT peers in the development of traditional arts. About staging is high commitment and creativity as well as improvisation. In the manufacture of health promotion media through traditional art media, requires good preparation from the aspect of reproductive health message to be delivered and from the aspect of art in playing drama. Implications of research results in the form of learning in creating media that is directly beneficial to the young players. Seriousness is needed in training.

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