
While developing a method of RP-HPLC for a new compound or combination of drugs simultaneously, many challenges are faced by the researcher pertaining to effective elution and sufficient resolution of a mixture of compounds. Many factors come into the picture, which reflects the ultimate elution of chemical compounds. Factors like the physicochemical properties of chemical compounds, the chemical nature of the mobile phase, instrumental factors, and experimental conditions play crucial roles in RP-HPLC method development. This research article discusses the challenges faced while developing a method of L-Arg along with polyphenolic compounds. Both the compounds have contrasting solubility profiles as L-Arg is soluble in water but PIC is soluble in organic solvents. Strategies were used to develop RP-HPLC of this combination with mobile phases like acetonitrile, orthophosphoric acid, methanol, and potassium dihydrogen phosphate buffer of pH 2.6. The present article provides an insightful approach to develop a new RP-HPLC method for a combination of compounds having related physicochemical characteristics.

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