
Adapting to university life in Saudi Arabia can be difficult for international students. This qualitative research, based on the social adaption framework, explore in detail the problems that international students experience during their enrolment at Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University (IMSIU), which is located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Utilizing purposeful sampling, 20 students participated in the semi-structured interviews. The interviews contained 16 questions to elicit the students’ perceptions about the challenges they encountered faced during their residence in Saudi Arabia. Findings revealed that international students experienced language barriers, had to deal with issues regarding culture shock, and had episodes of depression, nostalgia, stress, loneliness, and homesickness. However, these international students retained positive attitudes about their social adaptation and were satisfied with the resources and facilities provided at IMSIU. It was strongly suggested that student affairs officers, academic professionals, and social work practitioners, who interact with overseas students, should strive to help international students overcome possible language, communication, lifestyle, and institutional barriers. The implication is that international students should utilize various counseling and professional guidance resources to assist them adapt to the new lifestyle in the host country. This study could be replicated using a mixed-methods approach for future investigators.

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