
Introduction: Capability is built upon knowledge and wisdom, and scientific progress and development is associated with wealth production, national and international authority, and independence. To promote scientific development, as a prerequisite to the country’s progress in other areas, there is a need for strategic planning and creating scientific capacities. Today’s world is facing a rapid growth and development in science and technology, and universities and higher education centers have an important role in the society’s development and progress in the areas of human resources training, science and technology production, and solving different problems. Considering the Iran’s health scientific road map and communication of innovation and reform plans, and since universities are required to identify the areas of authority, this study was conducted to determine the challenges of scientific authority promotion and proper courses of actionMethods: In this study, content analysis was used as a qualitative research method. The triangulation method was applied for data collection. Purposive sampling was done to select the participants for focused group discussion and data collection continued until data saturation was achieved. The participants were 19 higher education experts and MOHME policymakers. The ATLAS.ti software version 5.2 was used for analysis of dataResults: The results of the analysis of transcripts obtained from FGD with higher education experts and MOHME policymakers showed 4 themes, 10 categories and 43 sub-categories. The resulting themes included: "Experienced perceptions of scientific authority", "Requirements of scientific authority", "Challenges of scientific authority", and "Strategies for promoting scientific authority"Conclusion: Universities and governmental sectors do not represent all the capacities, and there are much more capacities that can be exploited with participation of different sectors and institutions, especially inter-sectoral and inter-university collaborations. Many advances in new sciences have occurred in interdisciplinary majors, and these collaborations help to take solid steps towards scientific authority

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