
Women-entrepreneurs have been making a considerable impact in all most all the segments of the economy. “Women Entrepreneur” is a person who denies the role of their personal needs to participate and be accepted economically independent. Strong desire to do something positive is a high-quality women entrepreneur who contributes to the position values of family and social life. In India though women played an important role in the society but their entrepreneurial ability has not been tapped due to lower status of women in the society. There is need for changing the mindset towards women so as to give equal rights as explained in the constitution. In recent years, a record number of women have been breaking out of corporate life and embracing entrepreneurial careers as an alternative to inflexible work practices and outdated systems. Today women entrepreneurship becomes significant tool for women empowerment. Women entrepreneurs need to enhance their living standard into a comfortable level along with their family which in turn helps in development of the country. In the process of empowerment, women need to realize their strength, weakness, opportunities and threats and move forward to come out their own potential in order to achieve their goals through self-development. Moreover, they want new challenges and opportunities for self-ful fillment. Women entrepreneurs must have an intention to fulfill their dreams and it must be transferred into an idea enterprise. This paper focus towards the problems .and opportunities of women entrepreneurs in India.

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