
Computational modeling and numerical Investigation of a chalcogenide glass-based Graded-Index Photonic Crystal Fiber (GI-PCF) for the mid-infrared region has been put forth. Our proposed structure has a solid core and hence index-guided mechanism of light propagation is followed here. The propagation characteristics like confinement loss, chromatic dispersion, effective area, non-linear coefficient, and spot size of the proposed structure have been studied in the mid infrared range (MIR) of 1.8 to 10 µm wavelength and a comparison is drawn between the Graded-Index PCF and a normal PCF. The proposed structure is a highly non-linear PCF having a non-linear index of order 107 W−1 km−1 with spot size being very small i.e. 0.5–8.6 µm. It is a promising candidate for dispersion compensating fiber as the dispersion is entirely negative, −58.141 to −258.332 ps/km-nm, for the whole MIR wavelength range.

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