We consider the statistical mechanical ensemble of bit string histories that are computed by a universal Turing machine. The role of the energy is played by the program size. We show that this ensemble has a first-order phase transition at a critical temperature, at which the partition function equals Chaitin’s halting probability Ω. This phase transition has curious properties: the free energy is continuous near the critical temperature, but almost jumps: it converges more slowly to its finite critical value than any computable function. At the critical temperature, the average size of the bit strings diverges. We define a non-universal Turing machine that approximates this behavior of the partition function in a computable way by a super-logarithmic singularity, and discuss its thermodynamic properties. We also discuss analogies and differences between Chaitin’s Omega and the partition function of a quantum mechanical particle, and with quantum Turing machines. For universal Turing machines, we conjecture that the ensemble of bit string histories at the critical temperature has a continuum formulation in terms of a string theory.
We show that this ensemble has a first-order phase transition at a critical temperature, at which the partition function equals Chaitin’s halting probability Ω
We define a non-universal Turing machine that approximates this behavior of the partition function in a computable way by a super-logarithmic singularity, and discuss its thermodynamic properties
For universal Turing machines, we conjecture that the ensemble of bit string histories at the critical temperature has a continuum formulation in terms of a string theory
Chaitin [1] introduced a constant associated with a given universal Turing machine U [2] that is often called the ”halting probability” Ω It is computed as a weighted sum over all prefix-free input programs p for U that halt:. In a finite universe with limited computation time, this effective discontinuity is invisible We illustrate this type of transition in a toy model, namely a non-universal Turing machine (the ”counting machine”) that approximates this behavior of the free energy by a super-logarithmic singularity. The average size of the output bit strings diverges This leads us to the fascinating question whether there is a continuum formulation of our bit string ensemble at the Chaitin point in terms of some string theory [9], in which the two-dimensional string world-sheet is spanned by the bit string and the computation time. We interpret the ensemble (2) as a probabilistic Turing machine and show how it can be extended it to a quantum Turing machine
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