
Vehicular micro cloud is a promising solution in which connected vehicles offer their resources as services to others and collaborate on tasks through vehicular networks. The properties of the vehicular micro cloud are generally set when it is formed at the core area and they remain static. However, a change in the environment could leave the micro cloud unable to respond adequately as its static properties become obsolete. Reacting to changes in the environment, on the other hand, requires dynamic updates on the properties of the vehicular micro cloud. In this paper, we address this dilemma and propose a chain of interdependent vehicular micro clouds. To respond to the changes in the environment, interdependent micro clouds are formed around the first vehicular micro cloud. Guidance information is transmitted before members of the dependent micro clouds arriving at the core area of the first micro cloud. Extensive simulations in different vehicular micro cloud settings show that the chain of interdependent vehicular micro clouds significantly improves the ability to respond to changes within the first micro cloud. Through the provided guidance information, members of dependent micro clouds are collectively prepared before they arrive at the core area.

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