
Artistic means used for individualization of a type in the language of J.Jabbarli’s dramas The article deals with the outstanding Azerbaijani playwright Jafar Jabbarli’s (1899-1934) dramas that take special place in Azerbaijani literature. His creation includes verses, dramas, prose, translation, film scripts, literary criticism. Though his creative way wasn’t long it covers the historical period full of important social-political events that required creative persons to be sensitive. Any creator must determine own platform and remain unaffected by vague time. The people’s interest and wishes were above all for J.Jabbarli whose literary taste was formed on the basis of the people’s spirit, on the legacy and traditions of such literary luminaries as M.F.Akhundov, M.A. Sabir. Knowing perfectly the literary Russian language imbued with realistic, democratic spirit J.Jabbarli was also well aware of Russian literature. It is noted in the article that J.Jabbarli attached great importance to the language, style, genre, artistic means in his works. The heroes of his plays being romantic, realistic, historical persons are typed by expressive means and differ from one another. So both main and episodic characters of his plays are quite different. It is also emphasized that J.Jabbarli as a real master knew the words with all their nuances perfectly and created the gallery of characters in his dramas. The language plays an important role in typization in his significant dramas. Sometimes J.Jabbarli uses unpleasant words, phrases, for example vulgar words, barbarisms, that have revelatory character.They are used by the writer in order to reveal the type, character. Vulgarity in the sense of vulgar speech can refer to language which is offensive or absence, synonymous with the general meaning of profanity. J.Jabbarli uses them in order to show character’s ignorance, impoliteness, ill-breeding, rudeness, immorality. The writer blames the created characters who don’t know their mother tongue and speak the other language using barbarisms. Thus the writer expresses his indignation and contempt. Barbarism in the characters’ speech is a method used by J.Jabbarli for individualization of a type. This method is reflected in monologues, dialogues, polylogues, replies demonstrating the characters’ psychology and world outlook. The type’s speech represents his/her nature in the dramas. J.Jabbarli attaching great important to any character’s speech, manners creates the original gallery of the different types. All such facts and words are analyzed on the basis of the concrete examples in the article.

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