
In the modern period, which started after the Arabs came into contact with Europe in scientific and intellectual fields at the end of the 19th century; New studies have been carried out in the field of rhetoric as well as in language fields such as syntax (Al-Naḥw) and morphology (Al-Ṣarf). However, a significant part of these new studies resembled the classical period rhetoric books in terms of title and content. The book Jawāhir al-Balāgha, written by the Egyptian linguist, litterateur, and educator Aḥmad al-Hāshimī (d. 1943), has been used as a textbook for many years in Arab countries and in various countries that provide education on the Arabic language. The author, who started his book by explaining what eloquence (faṣāḥa) and rhetoric (balāgha) are; examined the situations of musnad ilayh, muṭlaq-taqyīd, qaṣr-faṣl-waṣl, īcāz-iṭnāb-musāwāt in the science of ma‘ānī, and then discussed tashbīh, majāz, istiʿāra, kināya in ʿIlm al-bayān. In ʿIlmal-badī‘, the author evaluated the rhetorical arts that beautify the meaning, such as tawriya, ṭıbāq, and muqābala, under the title of muḥassināt al-maʿnawiyya; He mentioned the rhetorical arts such as jinās, sajiʿ, muwāzana under the heading of muḥassināt lafẓiyya. In this book, the author has divided the science of rhetoric into three parts: ma‘ānī, bayān, and badī‘. He followed the theology-philosophy school in rhetoric, which became systematic with Abū Yaʿqūb al-Sakkākī (d. 626/1229) and Khaṭīb al-Qazwīnī (d. 739/1338). This system is not unique to Hāshimī, but those who continue the same system are as follows: Aḥmad Muṣṭafā al-Marāghī’s ʿUlūm al-balāgha book ʿAbdul‘azīz ʿAtīq’s fī al-Balāgha al-ʿArabiyya: ʿIlm al-maʿānī, fī al-Balāgha al-ʿArabiyya: Ilm al-bayān, fī al-Balāgha al-ʿArabiyya: ʿIlm al-badīʿ books, ʿAlī al-Jārim and Muṣṭafā Emīn’s al-Balāgha al-Wāḍiḥa book, Aḥmad Maṭlūb’s Asālīb balāghiyya: al-Faṣāḥa, al-balāgha, al-maʿānī book, Muḥammad Aḥmad Qāsim and Muḥyiddīn Dīb’s ʿUlūm al-balāgha: al-badīʿ al-bayān, al-maʿānī book, Ḥāmid ʿAvnī’s al-Minhāj al-Wāḍiḥ li al-Balāgha book, Ḥasan ʿIsmāʿīl ʿAbdürrāziq’s al-Naẓm al-balāghī bayn naẓariyya wa al-taṭbīq book, Muḥammad Abū Mūsā’s Khaṣāiṣ al-Tarākīb book, Muṣṭafā al-Ṣāwī al-Juwaynī’s al-Balāgha al-ʿArabiyya Ta’ṣīl wa tajdīd book, ʿAbdurraḥmān Ḥasan Ḥabannaka al-Maydānī’s al-Balāgha al-ʿArabiyya Ususuhā wa afnānuhā book, Faḍl Ḥasan ʿAbbās’s al-Balāgha funūnuhā: ʿİlm al-maʿānī, ʿİlm al-bayān, ʿİlm al-badīʿ books. In this study, the examples in the maʿānī section of Aḥmad al-Hāshimī’s Jawāhir al-Balāġa book were examined, and comparisons were made on whether the Qur’anic verses and Arabic poems brought by the author in the narratives are the same with the examples used by Sakkākī and Qazwīnī. In the comparisons made, it has been determined that some examples in ʿIlm al-maʿānī were used by many authors in the classical period and today, and the last period rhetoric authors who used the same examples as Hāshimī were pointed out with footnotes.

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