
A case of female 25 years old, married for 5 years, illiterate and she has 3 children from Basrah, Southern Iraq, she had history of recurrent vaginal bleeding during the second and 3rd trimesters in the last pregnancy unfortunately she was missed diagnosed during pregnancy as pregnancy cause of vaginal bleeding and was delivered by caesarian section due to cervical mass and bleeding with no history of follow up after delivery and continuous irregular vaginal bleeding 2 months after delivery till the last consultation when she developed severe pallor and severe vaginal bleeding . The patient was admitted to the Maternal and Child Hospital, Basrah, Iraq. On speculum examination, the cervix was fusiform, enlarged, barrel in shape, friable and bled on touch. Hemoglobin level was 6 gm/dl. Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) confirmed the presence of a large 7X5X6 Cm. cervical malignant solid mass lesion seen invading the upper third of vagina and lower endometrial cavity. No invasion to the rectum and urinary bladder. Total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingoophorectomy along with the removal of upper third of the vagina were done after blood correction. The patients agreed that future fertility cannot be preserved. Postoperatively, This finding was proved by the histopathological diagnosis which was invasive non-keratinized, moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix (FIGO stage IB2).. patient was referred to oncologist for further management.

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