
AIM: The cervical and breast cancer screening programme to report the results between 2008 and 2010 at KETEM in Etlik Zubeyde Hanim Women’s Health Teaching and Research Hospital. METHOD: Populations of healthy women between 2008 and 2010 with a total of 5253 case were evaluated with community-based and opportunistic screening. The cervical cancer screened with the conventional cervical pap smear technique and breast cancer screened with two dimensional bilateral mammography and breast examination. RESULTS: Cervical cancer screening as a result of 65 (1.5%) patients had abnormal cytology and abnormal histopathological findings were found in a total of 24 of them. A gynecological examination and biopsy in one case with cervical cancer were detected. In the 4284 women screened for cervical cancer, ASC-US determined in 48 women (1.1%), AGC in four women (0.09%), LGSIL in five women (0.1%), HGSIL in two women (0.045%) and ASC-H in six women (0.14%). Although 234 and 664 women screened for breast cancer in year of 2008 and 2009 respectively, breast cancer didn’t find out. However, 10 women (0.9%) with breast cancer determined in 1164 screened women in year of 2010. CONCLUSION: Reduced the incidence of cervical and breast cancer and diagnosed at an early stage of tumor is obtained with screening programs in healthy society.

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