
Quantum entanglement represents an ideal resource to guarantee the security of random numbers employed in many scientific and cryptographic applications. However, entanglement-based certified random number generators are particularly challenging to implement. Here, we demonstrate a certified quantum random number generator based on momentum-polarization entangled single-photon states. The use of single-photon entanglement allows an attenuated laser source to be employed and a simple setup where only linear optical components are utilized. For the latter, a semi-device-independent modeling of the photonic quantum random number generator is developed, which certifies a minimum entropy of $(2.5\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.5)\mathrm{%}$, corresponding to a generation rate of 4.4 kHz. At the expenses of a higher level of trust in the system, the certified minimum entropy can be increased to $(30.1\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.5)\mathrm{%}$, implying a generation rate of 52.7 kHz. Our results show that a simple optical implementation combined with an accurate modeling provide an entanglement-based high-security quantum random number generator using imperfect devices.

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