
 Considering the analysis of the academic process oriented to the reputational capital of the HEI brands, it arrive three main certifiable objects with impact on the reputation of universities: 'individual teaching advice' - applied to perform the main tasks of the process, the ' self-efficacy '- present in the evaluation of the work plan that guides the student's actions in the process and' disclosure '- which brings academia closer to society and generates a positive internal culture. The objective of this work is to identify how to carry out the certification of these objects. As a research methodology, three quasi-systematic reviews were applied, with successive refinements of articles collected on the CAPES Portal and the results were compiled. It was possible to identify that training followed or monitored by evaluations, and practical tests, also called challenges, are the forms of certification prevalent in this scope. The skills developed from the certifications considered were also listed, with the most mentioned being highlighted, such as the development of social skills, strengthening the commitment to the career and participation in the community of continuous learning; being observed that these favor the reputational capital of university brands.

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