
Kyrgyz toy (festival) culture stems from traditional sources which are supplemented by an economic life specific to the development and sustainability of the people and also buttressed by a geographical environment promoting this economic life. One of the most crucial elements of the toy tradition which supports the protection of identity from generation to generation and contributes to the reinforcement of the link between generations pertains to the people’s traditional sports games. Methodology: from among qualitative research methods, descriptive and comparative research techniques were implemented in this study. Objective and significance: this study will attempt to ascertain expressions of observed symbols which are used up in four traditional games which form an integral part of Kyrgyz festival tradition. Toy rituals act as a form of organization for maintaining people’s cultural memory. In order to expand the scope of a ritual, it is essential to maintain its behavioral and semantic sequence. Furthermore, the study will seek answers to the question as to what type of representations are signified by symbols of traditional sports games, an integral part of toy, yug (lamentation) and ceremony culture. Result: based on ritual games approach, symbolism function of certain games and competitions exposes complementary and archaic layers of Kyrgyz festival and ceremony culture. National power myths and ethical codes which were associated directly or indirectly with ritual games and symbols in toys highlighted the gender equality and reconciliation notions in social coding. Article visualizations:

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