
Dystonia is a neurological movement disorder characterized by twisting and repetitive movements or abnormal fixed postures. This complex brain disease has usually been associated with damages to the Basal Ganglia. However, recent studies point out the potential role of the cerebellum. Indeed, motor learning is impaired in dystonic patients, e.g. during eyeblink classical conditioning, a typical cerebellum-driven associative learning protocol, and rodents with local cerebellar damages exhibit dystonic movements. Alterations in the olivocerebellar circuit connectivity have been identified as a potential neural substrate of dystonia. Here, we investigated this hypothesis through simulations of eyeblink conditioning driven by a realistic spiking model of the cerebellum. The pathological model was generated by decreasing the signal transmission from the Inferior Olive to cerebellar cortex, as observed in animal experiments. The model was able to reproduce a reduced acquisition of eyeblink motor responses, with also an unproper timing. Indeed, this pathway is fundamental to drive cerebellar cortical plasticity, which is the basis of cerebellum-driven motor learning. Exploring different levels of damage, the model predicted the possible amount of underlying impairment associated with the misbehavior observed in patients. Simulations of other debated lesions reported in mouse models of dystonia will be run to investigate the cerebellar involvement in different types of dystonia. Indeed, the eyeblink conditioning phenotype could be used to discriminate between them, identifying specific deficits in the generation of motor responses. Future studies will also include simulations of pharmacological or deep brain stimulation treatments targeting the cerebellum, to predict their impact in improving symptoms.

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